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making science work for climate adaptation

Research Directions & Learning Agendas

“Research Directions” signposts big questions facing adaptation practice and policy. Our emphasis will be on formulating forward-looking learning agendas and research directions, rather than looking back at how the field has progressed over the past decade. 

Linking recent advances and remaining gaps to articulate a learning agenda that responds to big questions in the adaptation field, and identifying for whom and how that knowledge can be used, WASP intends to produce:

    • A commentary or perspectives article for a peer-reviewed journal
    • An adaptation Futures outcomes document that presents and refines the Research Directions and Learning Agenda 
    • A side event at climate COP to elaborate research directions and facilitate stakeholder engagement 

Engagement will be vital to this work, including an online survey for WASP members to identify references and elicit comments and further questions.  Inputs from all WASP members and broader adaptation communities would add value to refining our preliminary work to date. Most importantly, we would like to work with WASP members and partners to convene our co-sponsors to find out what they need to know and why. We welcome inputs from colleagues, peers, and early career researchers. Please take part in our survey.

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