The World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP), in pursuit of its vision, mission, and goals, has established four Working Groups in 2023. The Working Groups aim to further investigate key cutting-edge topics, helping to mobilize the science and policy communities with a particular emphasis on strengthening engagement of developing country scientists and policy-makers. The Working Groups also aim to develop a research agenda, identify research priorities, engage with partners and stakeholders to leverage resources, and build capacity.
Working Group I on Adaptation Effectiveness (WG-I-EFF)
This Working Group focuses on science and research for policy and practice, linked to the Adaptation Gap Report and the work of the Climate Funds including the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Green Climate Fund (GCF). It looks at strengthening the evidence base for effective adaptation interventions. A Science-for-Adaptation-Policy Brief (SAPB) on Advancing Effectiveness for Climate Adaptation was launched by the WASP at the Adaptation Futures 2023 conference in Montreal, Canada, on the 5th of October, 2023.
This Working Group is co-chaired by WASP Members Cynthia Rosenzweig and Prabhakar S.V.R.K.
Working Group II on Loss and Damage (WG-II-L&D)
This Working Group focuses on science and research for policy and practice, linked to one of the key topics of COP27 and COP28, held in Egypt and United Arab Emirates in 2022 and 2023, respectively: Loss and Damage. It addresses losses and damages associated with the impacts of climate change in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
A WASP Science-for-Adaptation-Policy Brief (SAPB) on the topic is under development as of end 2023.
This Working Group is co-chaired by WASP Members Edmond Totin and Bhim Adhikari.
Working Group III on the Global Goal on Adaptation (WG-III-GGA)
This Working Group focuses on science and research for policy and practice, and relates strongly to the UNFCCC work programme. This includes, among others: adaptation metrics, measuring and tracking progress, and assessing the (co)benefits of adaptation.
A WASP Science-for-Adaptation-Policy Brief (SAPB) on The Global Goal on Adaptation was launched at COP27 in 2023.
This Working Group is co-chaired by WASP Members Johanna Nalau and Elisabeth Gilmore.
Working Group IV on Adaptation Finance (WG-IV-FIN)
This Working Group focuses on science and research for policy and practice in relation to finance for adaptation. It plans to identify research and knowledge gaps and develop a research agenda that will inform and support policy and action. Main areas that this Working Group will target are: (a) Formulating concepts and terminologies for finance for adaptation, (b) Mapping the adaptation finance landscape; and (c) Approaches, instruments and mechanisms for finance, including public and private finance from different sources such as domestic and international.
The Working Group plans to develop policy briefs, technical papers, methodological guidance/guidelines, and other products and services, based on urgency and strategic relevance.
This Working Group is co-chaired by WASP Members Anand Patwardhan and Minpeng Chen.