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making science work for climate adaptation

13 November 2025

12pm Baku time

The UNEP-World Adaptation Science Programme side-event at the climate COP29 features a technical presentation on the key findings of the policy brief on science and policy gaps for effective measures to avert, minimize and address loss and damage.

Broadcast link is provided at Youtube

This side event will facilitate an insightful discussion about the current science and policy gaps for effective measures to avert, minimize and address loss and damage. This is followed by a panel discussion on soft and hard adaptation limits, scientific evidence on loss and damage and policy gaps to address inadequate adaptation measures and increased climate crisis. 

Panel I: Opening and presentation of the key findings of the World Adaptation Science Programme policy brief on science and policy gaps for effective measures to avert, minimize and address loss and damage

  • Opening/scene setting and Moderation: Henry Neufeldt (Male), Head of Section, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Analysis, United Nations environment Programme Copenhagen Climate Center (UNEP-CCC)
  • Technical Presentation: Bhim Adhikari (Male), Senior Environmental Economist, Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Panel II: Discussion and Q&A

  • Anil Mishra (Male), Chief of Hydrological Systems, Climate Change and Adaptation, UNESCO
  • Jessica Troni (Female), Head of Adaptation Unit, UNEP
  • Bhim Adhikari (Male), Senior Environmental Economist, IDRC

Moderator: Henry Neufeldt (Male), Head of Section, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Analysis, UNEP-CCC

You can watch this side event through the broadcast link here. 



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