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making science work for climate adaptation

9 December 2023 17:15-18:15 (GST)

The collaborative COP28 WASP Side Event: 'Scaling up Climate Action through Adaptation Effectiveness' by the World Adaptation Science Programme is taking place December 9, 17:15-18:15 (GST) at the IPCC-WMO-MERI-NCM Pavilion.

Evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation policies and actions is key to understanding whether they have reduced climate risks and achieve other intended outcomes. The goals are to ensure that adaptation is adequate to address climate risks, do not foster negative unintended consequences over space and time, and inform adaptation financing.

This event focuses on how we can scale up climate action through adaptation effectiveness. The session includes presentations on how to make adaptation more effective using science and on Nature-based Solutions for Ecosystem-based adaptation, followed by a Q&A with the audience and panel. The discussion will draw on the recently launched Adaptation Gap Report 2023, and the WASP Science for Adaptation Policy Brief on Advancing Adaptation Effectiveness.

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